Tuesday 7 June 2016

The future - Zombies in video games

When it comes to zombies in video games, one thing you will notice is that many of them focus on the threat of zombies rather than the effect the outbreak had on the group of human survivors. Though their are definitely exceptions to this, such as games like 'The Last of Us,'  and in some ways, 'Left 4 Dead." 

But let's face it, the 'filthy' casual gamer (which now makes up a large portion of the gamer population) doesn't want to sit around watching cut-scenes or character developing dialogues or the dynamic relationships the survivors have with one another and or how the outbreak affected them, they just want to shoot shit until it dies... This can definitely be seen in games like 'Call of Duty: Black ops,' in the zombie mode, there is in fact a story behind it all, and it does touch a little bit on how the outbreak has effected the survivors, but that's really just background noise, because we know why your really here! To fill those undead bastards with lead (which don't get me wrong is enjoyable, as few people know how much time I sunk into the Black Ops zombie mode back in the day). 'Dying Light' could also be compared to this, though it's more on the survival heavy side of things and the story actually matters.

The fear and tension in the Black Ops Zombie mode comes entirely from the zombies and other strange challenges that the players face. There is no need to worry about other survivors gunning you down, or your fellow players(survivors) killing you (unless you count killing yourself with your own grenade, or your 'teammates' being ass holes and trolling you or other people in your group, but I don't think that counts).      

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