Monday 27 June 2016

Mini-Review #1: Detective Comics #27 Over-inflated by nostalgia...

As you might be able to tell from that title, this is not going to be a positive review.

Now, maybe it's because I'm  used to how batman has been portrayed for like the last 20 or 30 years, but in all honesty, even if this is the first appearance of the Batman. I don't quite think it's worth  $1.07 million.  

For those of you that don't know this, early comics were often characteristic by how they were made from cheap paper, had poor art, and the stories where also not all that good. Detective Comics issue 27, does not escape this, while I did read it online, so I can't judge the paper quality, the art work, sort of, well, sucks... I mean just look at this: (I used page 2 as an example, for starters, their facial expressions I just can't take seriously with this art style, oh and you see all those colours, you better get used to them, because with a few exceptions, those are the only colours they could use I guess)
   If you think that's bad, wait until you see Batman:
Remember when I talked about their limited use of colours, and how there where a few exceptions? Well, you can clearly see the exception, by that I mean, those weird-shade of violet coloured gloves. Oh god, they make my eyes want to throw up! I am glad to say the least that they swapped those out with his now normal black gloves. Though in all honesty, I don't find the rest of his batsuit all that offensive to my eyes.

Oh and there was a story I guess, but it's so utterly forgettable that I can't even be bothered to read the comic over again to try to comment on it. I mean the only part of this story that stands out to me is when Batman (spoilers) practically kills the antagonist of the story, and proceeds to give (excuse my language) no shits about it. I mean look at this:
  If modern day Batman did something like this, he would probably brood extra hard for a few days.

So, I hope if you got anything from this, it's that this comic is not worth $1.07 million because it's a good story or anything, but mostly because of it's history, and nostalgia factor...

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