Tuesday 28 June 2016

Mini-Review # 2: Blade Runner, the sky-less future...

Welcome to the dark future of 2019! Seriously, though, I actually really like this movie.

Yes, earth may be a overpopulated, and polluted cesspool that everyone is pretty much trying to get off, but damn, does it look good. Now don't get me wrong, that does not mean I would actually want to live on this future version of earth. The dark and gritty set design really helps create the atmosphere of the movie, and fits with it's unique "cyber" dark-noir style, that few movies (at least to my knowledge) have tried. (Below, just look at that city-scape, just from hat picture, you can see the pollution and grittyness, it makes me want to have a shower. The second picture shows a ground shot, in it you can see the cyber dark-noir showing through, with the almost constant darkness, rain and smoke rising randomly from places, as well as neon lights everywhere)

Also, I should point out, that this movie is heavily saturated, that at times, it almost looks black and white, which also reinforces that dark-noir feel I mentioned earlier, as seen in a picture from a scene below: (I actually like the black and white scenes in the movie, it's not only a call back to classic dark-noir films, but it's also stylized well) 
It should be noted, that I generally don't like dark-noir style movies, but this movie is for me, an exception. Now like most dark-noir style movies, it's pacing is rather slow, which does not bother me, but some people, especially those that are used to explosions and some kind of action sequence every 5 to 10 minutes will probably have difficulty sitting through this one.

I also like the story, which is both pretty straight forward and philosophical, it does get pretty dark and messed up near the end, which is not a bad thing in my opinion. I will not spoil it though if you somehow have yet to see this movie that came out in 1982, which might I had, for a movie of that age, as aged fairly well.

My actual only real complaint about this movie, is a certain aspect of the replicants. For those of you that do not know what a replicant is, they are essentially slaves created by the humans of this future to do jobs that they don''t want to do, they are also given set lifespans. My complaint about them, is that they are capable of feeling emotions, with certain exceptions such as empathy, I mean why would you give your created slaves emotions? That is just asking for something bad to happen. Better yet, the replicants even have free will, so they can't just be 'programmed' to follow orders, which again, seems like something you would not want to give your artificial slaves. Because of this, it is not uncommon for replicants to rebel, as such individuals called 'Blade Runners' are called in to deal with them. (Below the leader of the a rogue group of replicants, and main antagonist of the film "Roy Batty." Seriusly, why can't they just put fail safes in the replicants, wouldn't that make things much easier?) 

 But with that little rant aside, I still like this movie... even if you can't see they sky.

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