Tuesday 14 June 2016

Batman in different types of media

Batman is portrayed across many different types of media, the three I will be comparing are; comics, video games, and movies.

When it comes to comics, I think this medium fits Batman the most, I mean not only was Batman as a character born on this medium, but they can give us imagery that you can't get in movies or video games such as in 'The Killing Joke.' However, comics have sort of fallen out of favor, as it is apparently too difficult to read a book with mostly pictures nowadays.

 Before the 'Batman; Arkham' games, it was thought to be almost impossible to make a good batman game that stays true to the caped crusader. However they managed to due a good job to say the least, I mean, they managed to make a game were you feel like your batman, though I wish there was actually more detective work, and a little less repetitive fighting.

The Dark Knight trilogy did a great job in it's own right of portraying Batman, and his villains. My only complaint is the fact that they had to adhere to pretty much a PG-13 rating, I sort of wish they went for a more mature rating, as it felt like it could have been darker and grittier will still being good.  

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