Tuesday 14 June 2016

On Going Topic question part 2: Are video Games Defined by Graphics or Game play?

When revisiting 'Super Mario Bros.Wii' the question; Are video games defined by graphics or game play? comes to mind.

Why? You might ask, well for starters, 'Super Mario Bros.Wii' doesn't have photorealistic graphics, but instead has cute/cuddly cartoonish graphics that make everything look so cheerful when you are playing as a plumber who kills people by either crushing them underfoot or burns them to death (and or freezes them, and then proceeds to shatter them into a million little pieces). However, this does not bother me at all, especially with the game play as it is. Now by today's standards, since this game is a plat former, it is therefor considered primitive, but primitive does not mean it can't be fun as hell, especially when playing with friends. I mean there's just something so refreshing about it's old school simplicity in just being able to jump and run back and forth on a scrolling screen, while also dodging your douche-bag friends...    

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