Wednesday 8 June 2016

Block Busters in Video Games

When it comes to video games, just like with movies, I think there are in a way 'blockbusters' type video games. These particular games tend to dominate certain genres and become highly recognizable to not only gamers, but even non-gamers. Just like how the movie 'Jaws' was not only a blockbuster in it's own right, but there are few people who when asked to think of horror movies, 'Jaws' doesn't come to mind.

An example is 'Super Mario Bros.Wii' (or just the Super Mario franchise in general) which could be described as being the blockbuster of the platformer genre, there are also few people on the face of this planet (well mostly just us first worlders) who haven't heard or seen anything to do with the Mario franchise, I mean, there is a reason why Mario is the most recognizable game character. Now, whether you hate it or love it, the 'Call of Duty' franchise is, to many people's dismay, the definite blockbuster of the FPS genre. When  it comes to FPS games, 'Call of Duty' is often considered the game to beat, which pretty much lead to the creation of countless COD clones... Hell, there as yet to be a financially unsuccessful launch of any one of COD's sequels. Lastly, when it comes to horror genre and video games, though their are a bunch of games that fall under the blockbuster tag, I personally think 'Silent Hill' comes out on top. Largely because just like how 'Jaws' proved a horror movie could be a blockbuster, 'Silent Hill' proved that horror was a viable game genre. Regardless of what you think about it's sequels, it has definitely left a lasting impression, as the series is still highly recognizable today amongst gamers and non-gamers alike.          

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