Tuesday 28 June 2016

Mini-Review #3(final) : Super Mario Bros. Wii "Copious amounts of fun"

Super Mario Bros. Wii! God damn, I had a lot more fun with this game then I would like to admit. Perhaps because it's not just another FPS shooter with only a brown and grey colour scheme, that makes this game stand out form most other games currently on the market. Just look at the games map!
The variety of colours! Is it not sad that in today's day and age, I find myself getting excited by things like colour in video games? I mean just look at a screen shot from a game like Call Of Duty, it's just brown, brown, some green, oh, and more brown:
 Besides it's colour, I also find Super Mario Bros. Wii's cartoonish style easy on the eyes. But there is a lot more to this game than it's looks, such as it's solid platformer gameplay, however, what I liked most about this game was it's local 4-player co-op. In all honesty, it really makes me wish more games had at least local 2-player co-op, because "couch" part's can be a blast. There is just something so nice about a bunch of individuals getting together PHYSICALLY and grabbing a few controllers for a few hours of gaming, it feels like we all get a little closer together, unless your that one douchebag who rushes ahead and gets us all killed because the camera always follows the person who's furthest ahead... Or when you all start attempting to throw people off edges of platforms into bottomless pits because you really want that power-up...

With those shenanigans aside, I assure you, with a competent group of people, you will have a lot of fun, and may even find the game much easier. Hell, the bosses in the game become laughably easy with more than one person. I should point out, that this largely has to do with the fact that you have, collectively, a much larger pool of lives when playing with multiple people, so dying is not as big of a deal. The picture below shows the four playable characters: (you have two different coloured Toads, Mario, and Luigi) 
There is a story, but I never did get around to completing the game so I can't really comment on it. But just so you know, it's pretty much just the same old thing "Oh look, princess Peach has been kidnapped by Bowser! You have to save her." Even with the lame story, it still does not take away the fact that I really enjoyed this game, and wish more games had local co-op.

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