Thursday 21 April 2016

Yet Another Reader's Response to "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns"


The question(s) asked of me is: Compare the Mutant leader to other famous Batman villains. Does he measure up to other antagonists in Batman's past? Why or why not? Is he a good villain for this comic? Why or why not?

     I do not think the Mutant Leader measures up to other antagonists of Batman's past. For starters, the Mutant leader is a 'one-shot villain,' I mean I can't think of any other story line in which he makes an appearance in (actually, he does make other appearances, but it's never really anything substantial, he's always a one-shot villain). And if you compare him to the Joker, who was also intended to be a one-shot villain as well, but, due to popularity he ended up becoming a recurring villain, I do not see the same thing happening with Mutant Leader anytime soon. Also, most likely due to the fact that he is a one-shot character, he is not given any kind of backstory what-so-ever, nor is it ever alluded to as to why he is doing what he is doing in the first place, something of which almost every major Batman villain has to some extent. Let's look at good old Mr. Freeze, he is given a clear backstory, and a motive as to why he does what he does, which also helps to build his character. Something again, that the Mutant Leader lacks, which also makes him a bland character. (below is a picture of him)

     Despite what I said about him above, I actually think he's a good villain for this comic. Considering the fact that this story takes place some time after Batman has retired and is now returning to his crusade of justice, the Mutant Leader could be likened as a new age sort of villain. He's young, and the gang of which he leads consists of mostly young individuals, a lot of whom are all teenagers.  A mash up of all kinds of bad, given an army's worth of firepower by a presumably corrupt U.S. army general, and sort of rose to power because no seemed to have the balls to oppose him, the Mutant Leader is no joke. In a way, you could say the fact that he and his 'goons' are so young, could be a sign that Gotham has grown increasingly depraved, after most of the Mutant gang was apprehended by Batman and the Gotham police force, when asked, their parents did not seem to care about their kids that had become part of the Mutant Gang, or what they had been doing. Also the fact that the Mutant Leader managed to rise to power with out seemingly any resistance could be a sign that with out the Batman to back up Gotham, they grew too cowardly to deal with him and his gang. I guess, you could say that the Mutant Leader sort of makes a statement about how Gotham needs someone like Batman in this comic.       


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